Forerunner Perspective

Bryon and Misty in Istanbul, Turkey.

The most amazing thing about God is that His Majesty is displayed in His diversity and yet contained by His Oneness!  He is a big God.  Much bigger than we know.  He desires to be known as He truly exists and not through our limited definitions and expressions!

To this end, He has invested a measure of Christ in each and every one of us!  As Christ is formed in individuals and they come together in His love and unity, He can begin to be seen as He truly exists!  It is an awesome thing to see Him revealed in and through the lives of His people.

Bryon and Misty have been on a lifelong search for a relevant, biblical expression of the Church.  That journey has led them through mainstream denominational ministry, prominent worldwide, mega-church ministry and numerous apostolic networks.

Years ago, after leaving their last institutionalized “church”, the direction came: “Do not build a form and try to force God’s life into it. Let Life produce the form!

By the Spirit’s design, integral, personal relationships began to be formed and Kingdom communities began to be established as Christ was formed in believers and they were released to function in their grace and calling.  In the Fall of 2009, Bryon and Misty began to be sent from the local Kingdom communities in North Texas to other areas of the United States and foreign countries.  As a result, connections have been made with other brothers and sisters as Kingdom communities have been established.  Over the last several years, there has been a wide array of expressions produced as people were discipled, equipped and encouraged to “BE” the Church and not just “go” to church!

You can check out the following websites to learn more about Bryon and Misty.

3 thoughts on “Forerunner Perspective

  1. Hello Byron & Misty! I look forward to really diving into your blog. Also, thank you for following my blog at Faith1st Ministries. I hope it has and will continue to be a major blessing in your life. May God richly bless you as you continue to write and blog. Please continue with us on this journey and remember to have Faith 1st because the “just shall live by his faith.” — Sebastian

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